Every few years, there’s a shift in the nature of architecture. After the recent economic recession, we’re seeing the same phenomenon “ a shift from the oversized, overbuilt, and overly fussy homes of the past decade or so to a more streamlined and purposeful aesthetic. The trend in design these days is toward simplicity, elegance, and sustainability. Homes are smarter, smaller and simpler “ all without sacrificing beauty and comfort. Improved energy efficiency isn’t just good for the back to nature crowd; it’s the right and reasonable approach for every homeowner. At Mark Macco Architects, we strive for intentional and thoughtful design solutions. We approach each project holistically by looking for locally sourced components and materials; by thinking about architecture that is appropriate and ecological; and by working in harmony with nature. We take full advantage of natural vistas, we embrace the environment and site-specific features. We work hard to ensure our project enhance their communities and neighborhoods. At Marks Macco Architects, we strive to make our designs Cohesive, Consistent and Coherent. We firmly believe that good design doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, it just has to be well-considered.