
Mark Macco, AIA, NCARB, an inno­v­a­tive Archi­tect based in Jack­sonville, Florida, is best known for his pas­sion for per­fec­tion, his eye for detail, and his penchant for col­lab­o­rat­ing with his clients to cre­ate mem­o­rable and pur­pose­ful struc­tures. Mark deliv­ers outstand­ing results for each client on time and on bud­get. He is equally com­fort­able cre­at­ing a modern ocean­front mas­ter­piece, a con­tem­po­rary office build­ing, or a mixed-use com­mu­nity center. Mark takes a holis­tic approach to design, and he places great emphasis on a purpose­ful proces­sion through space. He makes sure all the ele­ments – space, light­ing, design and mate­rials – work in harmony to cre­ate a total expe­ri­ence, and he believes good design should be cohe­sive, consis­tent, and coherent. Mark places enormous empha­sis on sus­tain­abil­ity and effi­ciency in all his design projects. His devo­tion to cus­tomer service is unequalled. He understands how his clients live and what they need. Most of all, he listens. It is this client-centric focus that enables Mark to pro­duce dra­matic and pur­pose­ful design solutions. His philos­o­phy is sim­ple: Sat­isfy cus­tomers com­pletely – mind, body and soul. To begin your journey to the project of your dreams, call Mark Macco Architects today at 904.249.ARCH (2724).