Sustainable Florida Beach House
We all have heard the term sustainability, but what does it really mean?
Sustainability takes into account a comprehensive approach to design, not only in the types of materials and finishes we incorporate in a project, but also in the overall carbon footprint of those items. An often-overlooked but important consideration regarding sustainability is how far a component or material has to be transported to the construction site. Other important factors include how the component is made, its lifecycle cost, and the energy used to create the component. These are elements we should all consider with every design decision, not only as Architects, but also in our everyday lives.
The sustainable Beach house pictured will take into account all of the considerations listed above and more. Solar panels, rooftop garden and attention to material selection not only will help the environment, but also will add value and decrease the overall cost of living for its future residents for decades.
This project is currently under construction and will be complete in May of 2014. Please check back here for photos and discussions about its progress.